Contact me
I’m not very good at this social communication thing but I do my best

Favorite: Facebook
I gotta say, for all the criticism, Facebook is a great communication platform – I can easily see who is trying to contact me, remember birthdays and events and such – that’s helpful for a guy like me. So if you’re on Facebook, that’s good first choice (I have a personal page and a professional page, but I can’t tell the difference).
But feel free to use other options, like e-mail (below) or other social media platforms. Of these, by the way, I am most active on YouTube, then TikTok.

Communication & I
Guys like me are not great communicators – in person, we are boring (that’s why we prefer to write), and not good at chitchat – I can rant into a camera, but I can’t smalltalk, even though I know it is important, as it is the grease of social interaction, especially online. Oh, and did I mention I am disorganized?
So if I don’t answer post, message or e-mail, it’s most likely an oversight – just try again. And online, if all I do is give you a heart or a thumb’s up, it’s not much, but I mean it.
I am always glad to hear from you.

The real Eric
I am most personal on YouTube (in ranty videos) and in the Substack newsletter Poetry & Purpose (writing about my life).
My most personal book is “Losing My Religion.”
E-Mail me
Stay informed: My Substack Newsletter
This e-mail form is directed to me personally
Here’s how you can support us
Support us at Patreon
I’m in the process of building up my Patreon site – soon I will offer several packages that let you choose between Hula Ink activities you might want to support.
Subscribe to our Substack Newsletter
The newsletter keeps you informed and provides original content, but there is also an exclusive section about writing – if you want to support us financially, and get my thoughts on writing in the bargain, this is the way.
Support us at Amazon
It’s not just about buying the books – you can’t imagine how important it is for small publishers to get Amazon reviews. Honest reviews tell readers that this is a serious book – with so much crap out there, it’s important to be able to differentiate between junk and the real thing. Reviews help us!
Subscribe and comment!
We’re building up a social media platform so we can reach more people who might profit from our books and videos. For this, we need subscribers, followers, comments, shares, all that good stuff. This tells the algorithms that people take this page – whatever it is – seriously. So anytime you subscribe, follow, leave a comment or share, you are doing us a serious favor. Thanks!
Here are our other websites
Hula Ink
We publish books from E.T. Hansen and (in future) others, as well as videos and everything related to Poetry & Purpose. We’re just getting started and hope to surprise you with a lot of interesting stuff soon! Check out our books and everything else here.
Hula Ink Germany
Hula Ink publishes books in Germany too –including the German version of “Losing My Religion” and the upcoming “Don’t Eat the Menu” about the pitfalls of English as a second language.
Ule Hansen
My partner Astrid Ule and I write thrillers in German under the name Ule Hansen – they are available in the bookstores and on Amazon, and we are currently revamping our German website
Astrid Ule
Here’s the German website of my writing and teaching partner Astrid Ule. She has a lot of interesting texts and videos here about her life, writing and teaching – all in German
Coming soon!
We value your privacy
In general, this website – at this time – does not collect data. However, if you click on a link, the website you are directed to may collect your data. For example, if you click on a YouTube video, YouTube will collect certain data (and they will inform you). We only include links on this websites to trusted platforms.
Third party data and cookies: WordPress and Google Analytics may use cookies on this website and may also collect certain data.
Newsletter data: At some time in the future, we may offer a newsletter or merchandise, in which case we will ask for your e-mail or snail mail addresses, which you can give to us or not. If you give us that information voluntarily, we will store it on a secured harddrive and will not give it to other parties in any way.
For more information, see our full-length privacy policy here:
For purposes of German legal requirements, this website is a product of and copyrighted by Hula Ink, a Eric T. Hansen Verlag;
Eric T. Hansen is responsible for its content.
Contact information: above.
What you will find at Substack and Patreon
You will find our Substack newsletter valuable if you are:
– searching for purpose and meaning, or want to become a person capable of achieving something in life; or
– if you write or want to enhance your creativity and understanding of life through writing.
In our free section,
you will find the lessons and insights I have learned in my life and am still learning today:
– from 60 years of life as an outsider in two cultures and on two continents – as a haole in Hawaii and an Ami in Germany;
– from my quest to find purpose, meaning as spirituality, and the truth about the confused world we live in;
– from my fight with depression and life with ADHD;
– from my study of the great books and poetry of the great thinkers in history.
Our exclusive section
is for writers and those learning to write – in it, you will find:
– practical lessons on the craft of storytelling;
– tips on how to enhance your creativity and find meaning and purpose in life through writing;
– my experiences in the world of professional writing, but also as one who explores life through writing.
This exclusive content, "Writing is a Sacred Act," is available to both my Substack subscribers and my supporters on Patreon.
If you are someone who consciously thinks about their lives and the world they live in;
if you are driven by a desire to create or achieve;
if you write or are learning to write,
you will love this newsletter.
Subscribe now!
This is where to find me on social media
Poetry & Purpose on YouTube
I like the spoken-word format – I’m better at ranting onto a camera than chitchatting in posts. And I am actively trying to build up my platform here. So I especially cherish subscribers, comments and general contact here and make a special effort to engage. Also I find, because the content is more meaningful to me personally, I like engaging here.
We're on TikTok!
I love the energy and the people on TikTok, and my page is almost identical to my YouTube channel – I try to post everything I can on both platforms. But because TikTok only takes vertical videos, I end up posting more on YouTube.
I like Instagram, but I underuse it.
I post most videos on both Facebook and Instagram, but really, Instagram demands original visual content, an I’m afraid I have trouble providing that – I love photographing Berlin, but I don’t do it enough. I try to answer comments on Instagram, but sometimes I miss things.
Did I mention I really like Substack?
I’m using the Poetry & Purpose newsletter Substack as a blog for my personal writings and to keep fans informed; there is also an exclusive section for writers (the main section is free).
Oh yes – we also offer free exclusive stuff, including chapters of books and giveaways!
Join us!